Cairo: Sofitel El Gezirah
Our hotel in Cairo is an absolutely luxurious place....a building situated at the tip of an island in the middle of the Nile that is lavishly decorated and features the latest amenities. What a place!
Shukran, Alessandro!
At this point I should thank my brother, Alessandro (Alex) who has made all the arrangements for us on this trip...from hotel to airlines - with cars picking us up and driving us from Alexandria to Cairo and back. Alex was supposed to join us on this trip...and we're sad he could not make it because we know he would have added a lot of color to our adventures. He called us all the time...just to make sure we were OK - which was very nice. So...in case anyone is interested in traveling to Europe, I would highly recommend that you drop him a note: tsp.gesi@tiscali.it
The Nile River
The views from the hotel are absolutely spectacular. From our room we can see several of the bridges that cross the Nile, and the busy Cairo skyline dotted with tall buildings and many, many mosques. At night the view is even better...with the city lit up from one end to the other. And, at street level, one can walk outside and watch the Nile flow by. There's something magic about rivers...and in the case of the Nile, it is simply amazing...especially if you stop to think about the thousands of years, the many great dynasties, and the millions of people that have inhabited its shores and survived because of its waters.
Mike O'Malley makes it to Cairo.
Cairo is where we were supposed to meet up with my best friend from college: Michael O'Malley...and his son, Chris. Mike was already in Cairo when we arrived and Chris would join us the next day. Mike is an indomitable traveler who has visited countries across the globe and spends much of his time in exotic destinations. We met up with Mike on our first evening in Cairo....and - after one day in the city - he was already full of stories and adventures. To start with he told us how he talked his way into Wimbledon during the tennis tournament (a little side trip he made since he had about a ten hour layover in London). Few people can pull off this type of stunt...but barely anything that Mike does amazes me anymore. Next, he told us about making a few friends in Islamic Cairo...one of whom took him to the top of a minaret...from which he could get an amazing view of Cairo's rooftops. His "buddy's" name is Mohammed and he owns a spice shop in Khan El-Khalili (Cairo's famously chaotic bazaar). The other fellow he met owns a perfume shop down the street from Mohammed's spice emporium. Later, we would get to meet both of these characters.
Dinner in the alleyway.
By the time that Mike made it back to the hotel, night time was approaching and we decided to head out to dinner. We settled for a place called Ar Rifai, in Midan Saiyida Zeinab in the Islamic section of Cairo. At the base of the hotel we opted to take a regular taxi instead of the hotel car...which would save us the princely sum of $5. However, as soon as we departed it became fairly apparent that the cab driver had no idea where this place was...and we had a bit of a time explaining where we needed to go. Finally - after asking many different people for directions - we ended up through a crowded doorway into an empty lot with a few tables outside in the dirt..and from there into a narrow alleyway where they were cooking sheesh-kebabs. No one spoke English..and I forgot my phrase book, but the folks were very hospitable and helped me order some food for us - which ended up being delicious. By the time we left, we felt quite at home...and on the way out we took pictures of us holding on to skewers with th erest of the kitchen staff. BTW: We're pretty sure that we never made it to Ar Rifai...but this place was excellent!!!
A little Shisha
In Egypt water pipes are called Shisha. In nicer cafes, they come in a variety of flavors from apple to mango to melasses. The café that we stumbled upon after our meal only offered tobacco flavor and it was quite harsh...but, hey...that's the Cairo experience!!! Mike and I enjoyed a little smoke after dinner while Jake watched on - having had enough water pipe experiences in Istanbul. After our smoke we headed back to the hotel...where we drank a couple of beers overlooking the view...and by 3:00am we were ready to lay our heads to sleep. Note: People think that I don't need much sleep..well, Mr. O'Malley puts me to shame...and keeps going and going and going...and then passes out. Of course I have to wait until he's passed out before i go to bed as well - not being one to retire before my friends.